Sleep Apnea Treatment in Alexandria, VA

Hyoid Myotomy Suspension (HMS) – Contemporary Management of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

This is designed to further stabilize the airway behind the back of the tongue. The hyoid is a horseshoe shaped bone in the neck where the tongue muscles attach. If the hyoid bone is pulled forward in front of the voice box, it can help stabilize the airway space behind the tongue. This procedure may be done in conjunction with the genioglossus tongue advancements or done as an isolated procedure.

It is a minor procedure and like the genioglossus can be done without the use of a general anesthetic.

Hyoid First!

The Hyoid First™ approach to treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was first introduced by Dr. Michael Abidin as a means to dramatically reduce the invasiveness and sometimes arduous recovery that is typically associated with sleep surgeries such as the uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), while improving the efficacy of treatment overall. By offering the hyoid suspension as the first line of surgical treatment for sleep apnea we have been able to more than double the efficiency of the UPPP, while sparing them the pain and lengthy recovery. The procedure is minimally invasive, adjustable, reversible, and begins working right away! If you have sleep apnea, then the hyoid suspension may be the treatment you’re looking for. Call our office today to book an appointment for your sleep apnea evaluation and see if Hyoid First™ is right for you!

AIRLIFT Animated Procedure with Video Narration

[Narrator] Introducing the AIRLIFT procedure for obstructive sleep apnea. When we sleep, our airway muscles become more relaxed and can collapse inward, which can lead to airway obstruction and obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA). For most OSA, the collapse involves both the base of the tongue as well as the sidewalls of the airway on either side of the tongue.

[Dr. Abidin] And we start to push. I’m pushing on the vocal cords. I’m pushing pretty hard.

Dr. Abidin] I’m pushing very lightly. I’m going to check with the [force] meter here in just a minute. And that’s like .3.

[Narrator] The human airway is a complex structure made up of many muscles, ligaments, and their connections to the bones the bones that surround the airway. One very important bone that supports the airway is the horseshoe-shaped hyoid bone that surrounds the airway and plays an important role in keeping the airway open. The tongue and many of the muscles that support the airway behind and to the sides of the tongue are connected to the hyoid bone. Doctors treating sleep apnea discovered that lifting and suspending the hyoid bone created tension in the airway muscles and helped prevent airway collapse. A sort of facelift, or AIRLIFT for your airway. Until now, doctors didn’t have a way to lift and suspend the hyoid bone in a simple and easily controlled procedure. Siesta Medical has developed the ideal system of implants and instruments for performing hyoid suspension. The procedure begins with a small incision under the chin. Two very small suture anchors are placed under and behind the chin so that they cannot be felt. The second small incision is made directly over the hyoid bone, and the hyoid bone is located and secured. The revolution suture passer, which simplifies passing sutures, is used to place two loops of suture around the hyoid bone. These are then attached with girth hitches and passed through to the first incision. The sutures are then threaded into the suture anchors using pre-loaded threaders. With the head in a neutral position, the hyoid bone is advanced and suspended to the mandible with the suture anchors. With the Encore’s suture anchors the position of the hyoid bone can be easily controlled and adjusted at a later date. Then the suture is trimmed and the incision is closed.

[Dr. Abidin] How’s it been?

[Patient 1] Relatively painless.

[Dr. Abidin] And how many pain pills have you taken?

[Patient 1] One.

[Dr. Abidin] Noticed your breathing is any different?

[Patient 2] I think it has improved–yes.

[Dr. Abidin] Alrighty, in one day.

[Interviewer] Did you rest well last night?

[Patient 3] Absolutely. The first time in 10 years I woke up rested and don’t feel sleepy

[Interviewer] First night?

[Patient 3] Yes.

[Dr. Abidin] Hello. My name is Dr. Michael Abidin and I’m here to talk for a short period about the hyoid suspension in relationship to sleep apnea. I’ve been excited to add this therapy for the treatment of sleep-disordered breathing and obstructive sleep apnea. We’ve had great success adding this to our repertoire for the treatment of sleep apnea. Currently, there are multiple centers throughout the United States that are participating in a study that reveals a cure rate of approximately 75% with the addition of the hyoid suspension. This technique has been simplified, it is reliable, it is reproducible, and it has been highly effective in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. I feel that surgical intervention for sleep apnea is really the future. And we look forward to answering any questions that you may have. Thank you.

Attention: Please allow extra time for your appointment due to ongoing construction at the new Alexandria Hospital. Expect parking lot changes. Free valet service is available at the main entrance. Additionally, one elevator is out of service due to renovations.

Metropolitan ENT